GPS : GPS : 41°00'39.5"N 28°58'41.8"E / 41.010972, 28.978278

In the year 1820; was built by Sultan Mahmut II. (1808-1839). Alay Köşkü, is made built for the Sultan and high officers of the state to be able to watch the parades. On the window girdles by the main road, Hattat Mustafa İzzet Efendi’s verse inscription applied on black stone with gold-printed metallic letters can be observed.
The Procession Kiosk (Alay Köşkü) is a 16th-century historical building on the outer walls of the Gülhane Park next to Topkapı Palace. It was used by the Ottoman sultans to receive the salute of processing janissary as well as a pleasure local. The last of these processions was held in the year 1769, during the reign of Sultan Mustafa II.
The building is situated across the Sublime Porte, and at the opposite, there is Bab-ı Ali Gate (Gate of State) where the grand vizier executes government works. But at the opposite to the Bab-ı Ali Kapısı; Alay Köşkü, reflects the hierarchy in architecture also with its two floors against one floor of the Bab-ı Ali Gate.
Alay Köşkü (Procession Kiosk), which is situated within Topkapı Palace’s walls, has been turned into the Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Museum and Library. It was organized within the framework of a project by the Culture and Tourism Ministry.
The Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Literature Museum Library (Turkish: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar Edebiyat Müze Kütüphanesi) is a literary museum and archive dedicated to Turkish literature and named after the Turkish novelist and essayist Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar (1901-1962). Located in Istanbul, the museum was established by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and opened on November 12, 2011.
The museum is housed in the two-storey Procession Kiosk (Alay Köşkü), a 19th-century historic building on the outer walls of Gülhane Park that belongs to Topkapı Palace. It was used by the Ottoman sultans to accept salute of janissary soldiers parading as well as a pleasure locale. The building is situated across the Sublime Porte. It was used from the 1910s on as the center of the Fine Arts Association. From 1928 to the end 1930s, it served as a meeting place of an association dedicated to Turkish language and literature.
In Istanbul’s Procession Kiosk, visitors will have the opportunity to discover all the objects, manuscripts and original translations of Ahmet Hamid Tanpınar’s works. The library also will serve as an archive for Ottoman-era magazines that focused on art and aesthetics, and will feature translated books and texts. There will be works and sculptures of Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar and other famous writers of Turkey such as Yahya Kemal, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek, Nedim and Nazım Hikmet.
On the ground floor, there are two rooms and an entrance hall. The first floor houses the former throne room, in addition to two halls and three rooms. The ground floor is designed as a cafeteria, called the "Writers' Café", where prize-winning literary works are exhibited.
Special corners on the upper floor are dedicated to the life and works of around 50 renowned authors native to Istanbul, with busts of some, including Nedim (1681-1730), Yahya Kemal Beyatlı (1884-1958), Nâzım Hikmet Ran (1902-1963), Necip Fazıl Kısakürek (1904-1983), Aziz Nesin (1915-1995), Orhan Pamuk (born 1952), Ayşe Kulin (born 1941), Zülfü Livaneli (born 1946) and Doğan Hızlan (born 1937) in addition to Tanpınar.
It is also a place for discussions on various authors, poetry performances, literature award ceremonies, and writing workshops. The library of the museum accommodates over 8,000 books, including about 1,000 books on Istanbul as well as volumes of more than 100 periodicals on literature and other fields of the arts. The museum hosts also temporary art exhibitions. It is the fourth of its kind in Turkey after the literature museums in Ankara, Adana and Diyarbakır.
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