GPS : 41°00'52.9"N 28°55'02.6"E / 41.014694, 28.917389

Today it is located on the Mevlevihane Avenue of the Merkez Efendi Neighborhood in Zeytinburnu. Being the second Mevlevi lodge founded in Istanbul, the Yenikapı lodge was established by Malkoç Mehmed Efendi (d.1056/1646), who was a janissary clerk, in 1006/1597. The constructor of the lodge was one of the distinguished dignitaries of the Ottoman Empire, just like of the Galata lodge. This situation shows that the tradition of constructing the Mevlevi lodges by the dignitaries of the state continued in the 16th century.
Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi, is the second dervish lodge the Mevlevi Tariqat brought into existence to follow the Galata Mevlevîhanesi in Istanbul. This Mevlevîhane located in the Merkezefendi Mahallesi area, leads those large scaled complexes the tariqat acknowledges as “Âsitâne”. Both for the vastness of the land it rests and for the diversity of the buildings in its body, it is accepted to be the most comprehensive Mevlevî complex in Istanbul. This Yenikapı Mevlevîhanesi was built about a hundred years after the Galata Mevlevîhanesi in 1598 by Janissary Chief Khalif Malkoç Mehmet Efendi.
This lodge expanded and developed in the course of time and became the biggest and greatest center of the path in Istanbul. It was considered as “Asitane” by the Mevlevis because it grew into a complex having all the elements. In accordance with the structure of the path, the Yenikapı lodge was constructed on the outside of the city like the other Mevlevi lodges. This region leading from Marmara to the Golden Horn became an attraction place for the dervishes in Istanbul because it was far away from the dense habitation areas.
The first postnişin of the lodge was Kemal Ahmed Dede (d.1010/1601). In the beginning, this lodge was the center of the Melami Mevlevi dervishes. Among the sheikhs well known for this feature, the Melami attitude I mean, were Sabuhi Ahmed Dede, Câmî Ahmed Dede, Peçevî ahmed Dede and Ebu Bekir Dede. Later it became the center of the austere Mevlevis. Beginning from the 19th century, Ali Nutkî Dede (d.1219/1804), Abdülbâkî Nâsır Dede (1236/1821), Abdurrahim Künhî Dede (1247/1831), Osman Selahaddin Dede (d. 1304/1887), and Mehmed Celâleddin Dede (ö. 1326/ 1908) were the sheikhs of the lodge.
In this lodge, twenty sheikhs has serviced from its foundation to the last sheikh, Abdülbaki (Baykara) Dede. It has contributed to the training of the many distinguished persons who marked with seal on the history of the Mevlevi Tradition, such as Mustafa Itrî Efendi, Şeyh Galib and Hammamizade İsmail Dede Efendi. When it comes to the history of the lodge, it is evident that particularly the sultans, and then the dignitaries and the rich persons have helped and looked after the lodge all the time. It is significant in order to understand the closeness of the Mevlevi Order to the state and administrators.
Some of them are as followed: Sultan Murad IV, the Grand Vizier Hekimoğlu Ali Pasha (d.1689/1758), the Grand Vizier Nâilî Abdullah Pasha (d.1698-1758), the Grand Vizier Safranbolulu İzzet Mehmet Paşa (d.1745-1812), Şeyhulislam Mekkî Efendi (d.1714-1797), Mihrişah Valide Sultan (the mother of Sultan Selim III, d. 1220/1805). Moreover, among those who supported and embraced the lodge were Sultan Mahmut II, Sultan Abdülmecid, Abdurrahman Nâfiz Pasha (the Minister of Finance then), Hâlet Efendi, Mustafa Hıfzî Dede Pasha (the governor of Konya), Adile Sultanthe daughter of Sultan Mahmud (d.1826-1899), her husband Kaptan-ı Derya Mehmed Ali Pasha (d. 1813-1868), The Grand Vizier Yusuf Kâmil Pasha ( d. 1808-1886), Behiye Hanım-the wife of Keçecizade Fuad Pasha (d.1814-1868), Memduha Hanım-the daughter of the Grand Vizier Midhat Pasha (d.1822-1884).
The Yenikapı Mevlevihane, a convent founded by the same order outside the city walls on the inner side of the city, is known for the musicians, composers and poets it produced throughout its history. One of the last sultans, Mehmed Reşad V (1909-1918), himself belonged to the Mevlevi order and he had certain additions to this important convent built, including a circular mosque in the Turkish neo-classical style.
Especially in the 19th century, in the Mevlevi lodges of Istanbul, a great deal of composers was trained, particularly Hammamizade İsmail Dede Efendi, and they became famous by the means of the recites and hymns they composed. Ali Nutkî Dede, one of the sheikhs of the Yenikapı lodge and passed away at the beginning of the 19th century, was among those composers. During his mission as a sheikh, he contributed to the training of many distinguished persons who has made their make in the fields of music and literature throughout the history of Mevlevi Tradition.
Their names are as followed: Hammamizade İsmail Dede Efendi, Vakanüvis Pertev Efendi, Mehmed Said Hâlet Efendi, among the poets Hayret Efendi, Süleyman Neşâti and Musahib Seyid Ahmet Ağa. Hafız Mehmed Zekaî Dede who became very famous at the end of the 19th century was also a Mevlevi dervish and composer. Dede Efendi whose masterpieces were again his students had trained many students such as his son Hafız Ahmed Efendi (Irsoy) (d.1943), Beylikçizade Ali Aşki Bey, Hüseyin Fahreddin dede, Şevki Bey, Ahmed Avni Konuk, Dr. Suphi Ezgi, Muallim Kazım Uz, Dr. Arif Ata and Rauf Yekta.
In early 20th century anti-Sultan Abdülhamid II freedom thoughts were speedily spread among the dervishes. As a result of this the lodge suffered a major damage by a suspected fire in its stables in 1906. After having remained so for five years, they began to restore the lodge by the enthroning of Sultan Reşad, who was a Mevlevî himself.
New settlements appeared on the area when small mosques and dervish lodges started to be built outside the city walls at the beginning of 16th century. 16-18th centuries appears as the ages in which historical structure of Zeytinburnu (Turkish-Islam) created. During those ages, these areas were liked by the dervishes in Istanbul since there were far from settlement areas, and Zeytinburnu and its vicinity became field of activity of Yenikapı Dervish Lodge and Mevlevi's.
This large complex of buildings, which should have been carefully preserved, was subjected to ignorant misuse by persons who did not appreciate its value and finally on 3 September 1961 the beautiful and ornate semahane, in which the rituals took place, was burnt down and the most important part of the complex destroyed. The semahâne (where Mevlevî dervishes perform their whirling dances), the şerbethane (sherbet) and the tomb (turbeh) of the Mevlevîhane which was turned into a student hostel in the first years of the Republic, were completely lost by a fire in 1961.
The timber complex, which was caused to be built by Sultan Reşad and consisting of a masjit, matbah, selamlık (men’s section in a building, opposite for hareem) and dervish cells also suffered from a fire in 1997. Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi is now almost completely rebuilt. It once again has a large semahane for whirling performances.
Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf University (FSMWU) is a newly established i 2010 higher education institute whose goal is to be at the forefront of Turkish higher education and research. Its supporting waqf, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Waqf was however, established in 1470 and has been providing such facilities for over five centuries.
The name Fatih Sultan Mehmet comes from the conqueror of Istanbul. Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Mehmet II) was Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1444 to 1446 and from 1451 to 1481. At the age of 21, he conquered Constantinople in 1453 and opened a new era in history. He found many "Vakifs" ( foundations) to establish schools, hostels, other facilities and to offer social services. His own foundation along with four other historical foundations have been allocated by General Directorate of Foundations in 2009 to establish FSMV University.
FSMWU emerged from the historical waqf tradition which played an influential role in the scientific, civic, and cultural life throughout Ottoman history. Being priviledged to have its origins in the centuries old civic and academic heritage, FSMWU strives to carry on this tradition by combining traditional education with contemporary knowledge.
FSMWU is located on the historical peninsula of Istanbul’s European side. Therefore, FSMWU has a unique mission for the Turkish Higher Education system in the heart of Istanbul where daily life intertwines with culture, history, and art. Located in the cradle of civilization, FSMWU is the academic face of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, reflected in the diversity of languages that make up our curriculum. FSMWU hosts all members of the higher education community, from faculty members and researchers, to graduate and undergraduate students.
Faculties, Schools and Institute
FSMW University is made up of 10 principal academic units - 5 faculties, 4 institutes and 2 vocational schools.
Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Turkish Language and Literature, History, Psychology, History of Science,
Faculty of Engineering, Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Biomedical Engineering,
Faculty of Architecture and Design, Architecture, Interior-Architecture,
Faculty of Islamic Sciences, Islamic Sciences, Faculty of Fine Arts, Traditional Turkish Arts, Graphic Design
Faculty of Law
Real Estate Holdings
Rectorate Building, Fatih, Campus at Haliç, Campus at Kandilli, Campus at Topkapı, Campus at Küçük Çamlıca, Campus at Valide-i Atik Complex
Campus at Topkapi (Institutes)
Topkapı Campus is composed of the buildings of Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi Külliyesi. Yenikapi Mevlevihanesi was built by Janissary Scribe Malkoc Mehmet Effendi, who was initiated into the Mevlevi order through Sunbul Effendi, and it was opened for service in 1597. Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi is one of the best example of a type of Tekke Architecture called “Asitane”. It is the second mevlevihane in Istanbul after “Galata Mevlevihanesi”.
According to historical records, Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi was initially composed of a masjid, a semahane, harem, fountain, tomb and 18 dervish cells. Yenikapı Mevlevihanesi served the Mawlawi order for 328 years until it was closed down in 1925 with all the other lodges and institutions of religious education. The building was renovated from 2005 to 2009. After the renovation it was allocated for the use of FSMVU.
This Campus hosts: Faculty of Islamic Studies, Alliance of Civilizations Institute, Institute for Social Sciences, the Institute for Engineering and Sciences, Institute of Fine Arts, Prof. Dr. Fuat Sezgin Institute of History of Science in Islam, FSMVU Turkish Airlines central library.
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