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The Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum is a private fine arts museum in Istanbul, dedicated to calligraphic art, religious and state documents, as well as paintings of the Ottoman era. The museum was founded by Sakıp Sabancı, and was opened in June 2002. Aside from permanent exhibitions, the museum also hosts national and foreign temporary exhibitions and, hosts cultural events on the weekends.
Atlı Köşk
Inside the entrance gate of the mansion - the statue of the horse (left) and a queue waiting to visit the exhibition "Salvador Dalí: A Surrealist in Istanbul". The historical building belonged to several high ranked pasha families and khedives, Egyptian governors, from 1848 until 1884, when it was purchased by the Ottoman Treasury on the orders of Sultan Abdülhamid II and presented as a gift to King Nicola I of Montenegro. The mansion served the next 30 years as a royal residence and embassy of Montenegro.
In 1913, the Ottoman government repossessed it, which became home to the granddaughter of Sultan Mehmed Reşad V. After the foundation of the Turkish Republic, Prince Mehmed Ali Hasan, grandson of Khedive İsmail Paşa, purchased the then derelict house and commissioned the architect Edouard de Nari to build the present house. However, it remained unused for many years until the elder sister of the Egyptian prince made it her home in 1944.
In 1951 Hacı Ömer Sabancı, father of Sakıp Sabancı and founder of Sabancı Holding, purchased the mansion for spending summer months with his family. Inside the entrance gate of his mansion, he placed the bronze statue of a horse, he purchased at an auction. The sculpture was designed by Louis-Joseph Daumas in Paris in 1864 and cast by Vor Thiebaut. The house became popularly known as Atlı Köşk (Equestrian Villa). He and his family lived in the mansion until his decease in 1966.
The mansion was home to Sakıp Sabancı and family between 1969 and 1999. The mansion was leased in 1998 for a period of 49 years to Sabancı University along with all the antique furnishings and art collections. Today, the original mansion and a modern gallery annex host extensive art collections of 19th and 20th century.
Today Sabancı University Sakıp Sabancı Museum presents a versatile museological environment with its rich permanent collection, the comprehensive temporary exhibitions that it hosts, its conservation units, model educational programs and the various concerts, conferences and seminars held there.
The Sakıp Sabancı Collection of Ottoman Calligraphy presents at a glance examples of 500 years of the art of Ottoman calligraphy. The Collection includes rare manuscript copies of the Holy Qur’an, individual inscriptions as well as assembled albums, panels, descriptions of the attributes of the Prophet, official documents such as decrees and grants of appointment, privilege and income, as well as tools used in the practice of this art. The Collection is displayed on the upper storey of the Atlı Köşk mansion.
Hacı Ömer Sabancı began collecting decorative art works consisting of figurines, metalwork, porcelain, objets d'art and furniture in 1940. Sakıp Sabancı expanded the art collection of his father since 1970. The collection includes 18th and 19th century Chinese porcelain Famille noire and Famille verte, polychrome vases and decorated plates. An impressive collection of 19th century French porcelain, including large numbers of Sèvres vases, and German porcelain produced in Berlin and Vienna are among the most valuable items in the collection.
The collection of calligraphy consisting of nearly 400 pieces offers a comprehensive view of Ottoman calligraphic art over a period of 500 years, with manuscript Korans and prayer books, calligraphic panels, decrees, imperial documents, declarations, imperial seals, poetry books and calligraphic tools. Sakıp Sabancı Collection of the Arts of the Book and Calligraphy consists of illuminated Korans, prayer books, calligraphic compositions, albums and panels written by well-known calligraphers, illuminated official documents bearing the imperial cipher of the Ottoman sultans as well as calligrapher’s tools, all produced during a period extending from the end of the 14th century to the 20th century.
More than 320 selected paintings of Ottoman and Republican era belonging to Sabancı painting collection are on display. The Sakıp Sabancı Painting Collection is composed of select examples of early Turkish painting as well as the works of foreign artists who worked in Istanbul during the later years of the Ottoman Empire. The collection is focused primarily on works created between 1850 and 1950, and in addition to works by Raphael and local artists such as Konstantin Kapıdağlı, Osman Hamdi Bey, Şeker Ahmed Paşa, Süleyman Seyyid, Nazmi Ziya Güran, İbrahim Çallı, Feyhaman Duran and Fikret Mualla, also includes the works of foreign artists like Fausto Zonaro and Ivan Ayvazovski.
The Sakıp Sabancı Museum Collection of Archaeological and Stone pieces is composed of works that have come down to us from Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman eras, and is exhibited in the garden of the Museum.
Three rooms on the entry level of the Atlı Köşk mansion are preserved with the furnishings and objects of decorative art of the 18th and 19th centuries that were in use during the period when the Sabancı Family resided there.
The primary mission of Sakıp Sabancı Museum’s conservation department is to maintain the integrity of the museum’s collection and make it accessible for future generations. Our conservation specialists prevent the decay of the nation’s cultural heritage, which in turn provides a valuable service for visitors and scientists alike.
The conservation department is responsible for the safe storage, display and registration of the museum’s artworks. In addition, the department is responsible for the conservation needs of any works loaned to the museum for temporary exhibitions hosted by Sakıp Sabancı Museum.
The museum conservators’ responsibilities also include :
Cleaning, consolidating and integrating of artworks
Providing guidance regarding correct packaging and handling of the artworks
Consulting with the exhibition designers on safe display of the artworks
Surveying the works on display and in storage
All of the cultural heritage assets within Sakıp Sabancı Museum are preserved by the rules of the international conservation policy. Climate, humidity and light levels are monitored 24 hours a day, and experts in preventative conservation are consulted regarding pest control, disaster/risk management and packing and handling. The museum has its own paper conservation studio, and also cares for paintings, furniture and archeological, decorative and stone works, with the consultation of specialists in these fields.
The Paper Conservation Studio
The paper conservation studio has existed since the museum was opened to the public and its aim is to conserve the museum’s collection of books and calligraphy. The museum’s paper conservators treat artworks in the collection regularly but can also be called upon to implement remedial treatment in light of demands made by the museum’s curators. During treatment the primary responsibility of the conservator is to preserve the artworks and to retain their aesthetic integrity. Considering the speed of technological developments in the field of conservation, reversible methods are implemented for all interventive treatments.
All of the artworks that are not on display are housed in our storage facility; the store is specifically designed for long-term storage of the collection. Framed works are hung on sliding grills, while furniture and sculpture are stored on shelves. Books and single-paper works are placed into acid-free boxes and stored in cabinets.
Installation of the artworks that are displayed in the museum is achieved in consultation with the conservation department. The museum conservators and the lenders of artworks collaborate on the installation of showcases and on the mounting of artworks. A conservation report is compiled and signed off by the conservators and lenders and the condition of the artworks are checked before and after the exhibition.
All of the artworks in the Sakıp Sabancı Museum Collection are digitally documented and a hard copy of the reports is archived. The database contains reports on physical and scientific information together with photographs. Any change in the location of the works in the collection is tracked using the catalogue and any conservation treatment is recorded in the conservation reports. Works that have been loaned to the museum have their own condition reports supplied by the lender institution and any treatment recommendations or environmental control prerequisites are strictly adhered to.
Request for Research and Photography
The Sakıp Sabancı Museum may grant permission for research and photography subject to certain provisions and circumstances.
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