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The Rahmi M. Koç Industrial Museum is fortunate to be housed in two splendid, historical building complexes on the shores of the Golden Horn, at the heart of old Istanbul. These buildings are themselves icons of industrial archaeology, which makes it all the more appropriate that they now host our collection of industrial exhibits. The museum now has more than 11,000 square meters of galleries.
The Lengerhane
Now a Class II historical monument, this former Ottoman Navy anchor foundry was constructed on the 12th Century foundations of a Byzantine building during the reign of Sultan Ahmet III. (By the way, "lenger" means "anchor and chain", and "hane" means "house"). The building was subsequently restored in the reign of Sultan Selim III (1789 - 1807), before passing into the ownership of Ministry of Finance and finally, in the Republican era, the Turkish State Monopolies' Cibali Tobacco factory.
The Koç Foundation bought the first museum building in 1991, which was left derelict and seriously damaged after a roof fire in 1984 and the building was effectively abandoned until it was purchased by the Rahmi M Koç Museum and Culture Foundation in 1991.
The Hasköy Dockyard
This historic dockyard was founded in 1861 by the former Ottoman Maritime Company (Şirket-i Hayriye) for the maintenance and repair of its own ships. The yard initially comprised just two workshop buildings, and was gradually extended as needs and opportunities arose. A 45 m long cradle, powered by a steam capstan was constructed in 1884: later, in 1910, a second cradle was added and the capstan converted to electric power.
Some of the earliest ferry boats were constructed here, including public favourites such as the Kocataş and Sarıyer vessels laid down in 1938 and in service for nearly half a century. The dockyard went through many changes of State Ownership before ending up under the control of the Ministry of Communications In 1984. It was finally purchased by the Rahmi M Koç Museum and Culture Foundation in 1996.
The Restorations
The Rahmi M Koç Museum was founded in the Lengerhane building. The Lengerhane itself had been purchased in 1991 and was the subject of a thorough and sympathetic restoration by the firm of Garanti Koza. The original building was supplemented by an underground gallery reached by a long glazed ramp, and finally opened in December 1994. The first phase of the Museum rapidly outgrew itself, and in 1996 the Hasköy Dockyard, then just a ruin on the shores of the Golden Horn opposite the Lengerhane, was purchased. 14 derelict buildings plus the historic ship cradle and lathes were faithfully restored to their original condition, and the second phase opened to the public in July 2001.
The two buildings are on the same road, on opposite sides: the dockyard part of the complex is on the shores of the Golden Horn. A glass-sided ramp leads down to the basement exhibition area of the Lengerhane.
This exhibition section is divided into several subject, where you can enjoy a glimpse of the thousands of wonderful objects in our collection. On this page we show a few of the museum's favourites, arranged in the order in which they would be visited.
Few aspects of modern life have advanced so dramatically, nor changed our lives so completely, as that of communications. Just about 120 years ago, the only way to contact someone abroad was by letter, taking weeks for a reply. Now we can talk directly from virtually anywhere to anywhere via a mobile phone. This revolution started with the telegraph, which could transmit on-off signals in code: voice communication was not possible until the advent of the telephone in 1873. The next major advance was wireless, invented by Marconi in 1896. Meanwhile, visual imaging proceeded in two parallel paths - the chemical one for normal cameras and films, and the digital one for television and the internet.
Rotary Dial Telephone
Before the days of buttons, the classic rotary dial strongly influenced the look of telephones. This much-traveled example was built in Sweden in 1920 by Ericsson, and then exported to Turkey. It was purchased in Istanbul and restored back in Sweden with the assistance of the Turkish Ambassador there.
The second Edison object in our collections is this cylinder phonograph, where the sound was recorded on a wax cylinder rather than a shellac disc. It was manufactured in 1903 by the Edison Company in America, and bears the serial number 5290773.
A 1930 HMV Model 21 Gramophone, made in England by The Gramophone Company, owner of the His Master’s Voice trademark. Gramophone needles of several brands like Dog and Baby, Solo, D.F. Tayler are being exhibited alongside this Gramophone.
J. Lancaster & Son Camera
Plate camera made in 1885 by J. Lancaster & Son, Birmingham, England and used with glass negatives.
Thomas Edison Patent Model
One of the most significant items in the collection is this 22nd Februrary 1876 patent model by Thomas Edison, describing a method of improving the telegraph system so that it could send alphabetic letters instead of symbols. Edison was one of the most prolific and significant inventors of all time, and his patent models are much sought after by museums and collectors alike.
Valve Amplifier
An unusual separate amplifier form an age when sound systems were usually all in one box. Built in about 1936 by Western Electric, USA, it boasts two enormous 'tubes', otherwise known as thermionic valves. Unlike today's transistors, these gave off enormous amounts of heat (and light); hence the large holes in the case.
The Zoetrope was invented in 1835 by Englishman William Horner and was one of the many precursors of the modern cine-projector, and operated on the same principle of presenting a rapid succession of different pictures to the eye - in this case, when the drum rotated and its interior is viewed through the vertical slots.
When the young James Watt tried to hold down the lid of a boiling kettle, he little realised what a revolution he was starting. Before steam, the world relied on human, animal, wind or water power. The earliest steam engines were massive and stationary: they powered pumping stations and entire factories, via belt drives. Later, they became portable, and were eventually replaced by more convenient and economical gas, petrol, or diesel power plants. The museum has a wide selection of engineering exhibits, from delicate working models to a massive, 20' high triple expansion marine steam engine.
Steam Engine from "SS Kalendar"
A fine triple-expansion steam engine from the Bosphorus ferry boat Kalender, manufactured in by Şirket-i Hayriye 1911 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England, by the Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Company. The Kalender had two main engines, and this was the starboard one. This fine triple expansion steam engine was in use from 1911 until the mid-1980s.
Olive Oil Factory
A lovingly recreated and authentic industrial scene, incorporating all the elements of an actual olive oil factory from Bademli on the Aegean Coast. See the original steam engine turning and operating the drive belts and millstones. Other items include the original crushed olive presses and boiler front, plus many other historical details.
Portable Stationary Engine
Manufactured in 1872 at the Britannia Iron Works by William Marshall & Co. of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, England. Marshall built similar steam engines of 2 - 12 hp capacity, before moving into the agricultural tractor business, including some unique tracked models. The firm was in existence from 1848 to 1992.
Marshall Portable Engine
A portable engine is a small steam engine, mounted on wheels or skids, it is not self-propelled and is towed to the work site by horses or bullocks, or even a traction engine. Portable engines were used mainly for driving agricultural machinery, such as threshing machines. This type of engine was introduced in 1872 and was produced in a range of sizes from 2 hp to 12 hp. This example was manufactured by Marshall Sons & Co circa 1910.
Crossley Engine
Stationary engines, frequently burning gas, were a vital part of 19th century industry, often being used to power independent electricity generators. The Manchester firm of Crossley, founded in Manchester by brothers Frank and William Crossley in 1867, was famous for its small engines. They later diversified into manufacture of buses and cars.
Wood Saw
One of the few remaining parts of the original Şirket-i Hayriye dockyard, this important and historic wood saw was made in Glasgow, Scotland, by the steel engineering firm of P & W MacLellan (1822 - 1979). It is still in fully functioning condition nearly 150 years later.
Compound Steam Engine
This interesting marine compound (i.e. the steam passes from one cylinder to another - lower pressure - cylinder in order to extract the maximum energy) steam engine was manufactured in Britain and dates from 1900. It was found in the engine room of the 1950s tugboat Tekirdağ.
Education is the primary duty of any responsible Museum, and the Rahmi M Koç Museum is proud of the fact that more than 60% of its visitors are school children. Of course, in a sense the entire collection is educational, but we have specifically arranged some exhibits and activities for children to try out and thereby be both entertained and informed. To find out more about our formal education activities at the Museum.
Cutaway Car
A fully detailed working cutaway of a modern FIAT Palio prepared and donated by Tofaş, the Koç-FIAT joint venture in Turkey. Not only can the detailed construction of the body work be seen, but also the operation of the engine and gearbox.
Bellanca Aeroplane
We are fortunate indeed to be able to exhibit this full-size real aircraft in this gallery. At weekends, a qualified expert shows visitors around the plane, and it is even possible to sit in the cockpit and try out the controls.
Scientific Experiments
The Hands-On gallery contains a series of specially-created demonstrations and experiments, designed to illustrate a variety of mechanical and physics principles. At weekends, a special teacher/instructor is on hand to show children around and explain the purpose and effect of each experiment.
Cutaway Domestic Goods
The cutaway car and lorries are joined by a fascinating array of working domestic goods, each piece sectioned or transparent with working mechanisms and co-ordinated lights to explain their function. Listen to a tape or CD player, watch a TV or computer, and understand the inner secrets of a dishwasher or vacuum cleaner!
The boundary between equipment built for scientific purposes, and that made for practical purposes, is not clear. Thus our collection includes such varied items as air pumps, sextants, and slide rules. One great museological advantage of old instruments is that it is usually possible to see how they work - unlike today's 'black boxes'. Even if the principle is obscure, for example in the Wimshurst machine illustrated below, the mechanical interaction of parts is usually relatively easy for the layman to follow.
Wimshurst Machine
This Wimshurst machine by Philip Harris & Co. of Birmingham and Dublin is an early form of electrostatic generator. When properly adjusted, this particular example can produce sparks up to an inch long, and literally make your hair stand on end. The Wimshurst Machine, invented by James Wimshurst (1832-1903), is an early electrostatic apparatus for generating high voltages. This example is a school demonstration model, capable of producing up to 30,000 volts.
Cary Pocket Microscope
William Cary (1759-1825) was a prominent maker of mathematical instruments. This small microscope was designed by one of his apprentices, Charles Gould, in London, England circa 1840
Fuller Cylindrical Slide Rule
Fuller cylindrical slide rule is a very long and hence more accurate slide rule, used circa 1940. It can be made more compact by wrapping the scales spirally round a cylinder.
Celestial Globe
This globe was made by Cafer İbn-i Ömer İbn Devletşah el-Kırmani between 1383 and 1384. It is one of the oldest globes known. There is a full set of constellation figures with about 1,025 stars indicated by points punched in small silver inserts on it. On loan from the Bosphorus University Kandilli Observatory.
Grand Orrery
A fine 19th Century Grand Orrery with ivory balls to represent the then known planets - as far as Neptune - together with their satellites and some of the major asteroids. The instrument is geared so that all the spheres rotate at the correct relative speeds.
Marine Chronometer
Two-day chronometer No. 3826 by David Stalker, of Leith, Scotland. In order to navigate at sea, one must know the true time as well as the angular measurement to sun or stars. The marine chronometer is especially designed to keep accurate time at sea, despite the stresses of motion and temperature change.
Strasbourg Turret Clock
This fine early movement comes from a turret in Strasbourg, France. This type of clock was usually installed in church towers where there was plenty of height for the weights to drop. They had no dial, but told the time by striking the hours on a bell.
Testament to our founder, Mr Rahmi M Koç's lifelong enthusiasm for models and miniatures, our superb collection of models and toys is mostly housed in the Lengerhane building - though a few may also be found in the relevant galleries of the new Hasköy Dockyard as well. Cars, lorries, ships, yachts, locomotives, and carriages are all strongly represented, as are fine, working models of stationary engines. We also have an extensive and important collection of toys through the ages, some of which can be seen in our replica Toyshop.
Model Locomotive Fire King
An historically important contemporary model made, signed and dated by Josiah Evans Haydock in 1841. He became a well-known locomotive engineer, and in 1874 designed the Bellerophon, still in service in Yorkshire, England and believed to be the oldest operating locomotive in the world. Kindly donated by Hochtief A.G. This important and historic model of a very early steam locomotive of 2-2-2 configuration was built by Josiah Evans when he was just 21 years old.
Marine Steam Engine
Perhaps the finest in our entire collection, this superb 1/10 scale model shows the main engine of the steamship Sussex Trader, built in 1947 by Sir James Laing & Sons of Sunderland. The engine represented was built at Wallsend by the North-East Marine Engineering Co., and is of the reversing, triple expansion reheater type.
Aveling & Porter Steamroller
Thomas Aveling & Richard Thomas Porter entered into partnership in 1862, and subsequently produced more steam engines than all the other British manufactures combined. This is a model of a 1920’s eight ton steamroller, used in road construction. It was built from original drawings. A fine scale model (built from the original works drawings) of a 1922 Aveling and Porter 'Dual-Reverse' Road Roller, used for smoothing the finish on asphalt roads. This particular type was known as The Coffeepot Roller because of the unusual shape of the boiler.
Model of the TS Savarona
The Savarona was built by the German firm of Blohm & Voss for an American heiress in 1931, and was later purchased by the Turkish government for the use of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk when he was advised to take a sea-cruise for his health. This 1/125 scale model was made by Mr. Süleyman Alper in 1993.
Model Triple Expansion Marine Engine
This superb 1/10 scale model shows the main engine of the British Steamship ‘Sussex Trader’, built in 1947 by Sir James Laing & Sons of Sunderland for the Trader Navigation Company. The engine itself was built at Wallsend by the North-East Marine Engineering Co. and was of the reversing, triple expansion reheater type.
Queen Mary
This naive model of the famous Cunard liner the SS Queen Mary is mounted on wheels so that it can be pulled by a child. More than 4' (1.3 meters) long, it is one of the largest metal toy boats ever made.
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