GPS : 41°02'30.2"N 29°00'19.3"E / 41.041727, 29.005365
* The Rescuers at Black Sea Bosphorus, 19th Century”, Artist: I. Konstantinovich Aivasovsky, 1874, Sizes: 115 x 140 cm.
* Sultan Abdülaziz Toulon Visit, 19th Century, Artist: E. de Berard, 1867, Sizes: 130 x 198 cm.
* Prevesa Naval Battle, Artist: Ohannes Umed Behzad, 1866, Sizes: 125 x 200 cm.
* Turkish Navy on Sham Battle, Artist: Tahsin Bey, Sizes: 88 x 129 cm.
* The Coastline, From Tophane to Galata, Artist: Mıgırdiç Melkon, 1884, Sizes: 60 x 93 cm.
* Fatih the Conqueror's March from Edirne to Istanbul, Artist: Hasan Rıza (Martyr), Sizes: 53 x 183 cm.
* The Sinking of Armored Battleship Goliath, Artist: İsmail Hakkı, Sizes: 90 x 145 cm.
* German Emperor II Wilhelm's Omer Mosque Visit, Jerusalem, Artist: Emine Naciye Tevfik, Sizes: 140 x 220 cm.
* The Ottoman Fleet During Süleyman the Magnificent's Hungarian Campaign, Painter : Mihriban Sözer, 1923, Medium : Miniature, Dimensions : 24x34cm
* Heybeliada Naval Academy, 19th Century, Artist: Hüsnü Tengüz, 1885, Sizes: 50 x 79 cm.
* The Golden Horn from Eyüp Cemetry, Artist: Fausto Zonaro, Sizes: 17.5 x 26.5 cm.
* The Golden Horn Shipyard, the Time of Galleons 18th Century, Artist: Hüsnü Tengüz, Sizes: 51 x 76 cm.
* Sailboat, Artist: İsmail Hakkı, Sizes: 28 x 78 cm.
* In front of the Hasan Bastion in Çanakkale, Artist: Hayri Çizel, Sizes: 19.5 x 39 cm.
* Turkish Galleon, Artist: Hüsnü Tengüz, Sizes: 22 x 28 cm.
* The front of Dolmabahçe Palace, Artist: Ali Rıza (Hoca), Sizes:18 x 32 cm.
* The Conquest of Istanbul, Artist: Hasan Rıza (Martyr), Sizes: 63 x 48 cm.
* Paddle Steamer Ikdam, Artist: Ali Sabri, Sizes: 27 cm x 38 cm.
* Bebek Shore, late 19th Century, Artist: Jean (Giovanni) Brindesi, Sizes: 29.5 x 39.5 cm.
* Caiques on Tophane Coast, Artist: Unknown, Sizes: 36 x 28 cm.
* An Infantry Caique at Bosphorus late 19th Century, Artist: Jean (Giovanni) Brindesi, Sizes: 22.5 x 33 cm.
* Ottoman Fleet, Early 20th Century, (Battle Ships Yadigâr-ı Millet, Barbaros Hayrettin, Muavenet-i Milliye, Mesudiye, Turgut Reis, Gayret-i Vataniye, Numune-i Hamiyet and Asar-ı Tevfik) Artist: Unknown, Sizes: 54 x 73 cm.
* Captain Pasha Uniform, 14th-19th Century : The uniform used from 14th century to 1867 is sable furred green caftan. On a white shirt an undercaftan is worn, a girdle is tied; yellow flat shoes and quilted turban with gimp are worn.
* Levent Uniform, 14th-18th Century : The uniform used until 1772 consists of short blue shalwar, white shirt, red waist, yellow girdle, red flat shoes and turban on red helmet.
* Kalyoncu (Sailor in Galleon) Uniform, 17th-19th Century : This uniform used between 17th century and 1872 consists of ornamented short shalwar, short waist, white shirt, scarf for the waist, red flat shoe and a fez wrapped with turban.
* Naked Man of Pasha Uniform, 18th-19th Century, Employed during the time of Küçük Hüseyin Pasha (1792-1803), they wear fez on their head, ornamented red waist, short blue shalwar and red flat shoes.
* Officer Soldier Uniform, 19th Century, These uniforms had been worn from 1876 to 1909. The uniform is comprised of fez, two-line buttoned slim fit jacket, black trousers, sword belt and black shoe.
* Officer Uniform for Winter : The uniform consists of black thick fabric jacket and trousers. On the sleeves of the jacket are yellow gimp ensigns of the ranks. The jacket has 8 yellow metal buttons that have engraved anchor with rope in a crescent.
* Naval Academy Student Uniform for Winter : Naval Academy Student Uniform has still been used since 1956.
* Naval Petty Officer Preparatory Academy Student Uniform For Winter : Naval Petty Officer Preparatory Academy Student Uniform had been used from 1956 to 2003.
* Seaman Apprentice Uniform for Winter : Seaman Apprentice Uniform for Winter Uniform has still been used since 1956.
* Flag Embroidered with the "Fetih" Chapter from the Koran : Made in Baghdad in 1789 for Sultan Selim III, the flag was flown on the main and mizzen masts of flagships when the Ottoman fleet was on campaign in foreign waters. Woven of silk and gilt thread, the flag bears the "Fetih" Chapter from the Koran. Dimesions : 1400x500 cm
* The Flag of Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha : Used by Barbaros Hayrettin when he was Commander-in-Chief (1534-1546) of the Ottoman Navy, the naturally patterned green fabric of the silk flag is embellished and appliquéd in white silk. The decorations consists of the "Fetih" Chapter from the Koran, the names of the four Caliphs of Islam, the Christian symbol of the Trinity, the divine hand of God, and the Jewish Star of David. Dimensions : 287 x 200 cm
* Ottoman Flag from the Battle of Lepanto : Flown by Müezzinzade Ali Pasha at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571, this red silk flag was presented to the Republic of Turkey as a gesture of good will by Pope Paul VI. Verses and Chapters from the Koran on the flag are appliquéd in green silk.
* Inclinometer : From the corvette Fethi Bülend. Made of Brass in 1892 by the Ottoman Navy, with the name Fethi Bülend inscribed in Ottoman script on the brass calibration plate. Measures the list of a ship. Dimensions: 50 x 32 cm.
* Compass : Made in 1900 at the Imperial Naval Arsenal by Mülazim İhsan Efendi. The rosette is of paper and the compass is encased in a wooden box. Optical device indicating direction. Dimensions :33 x 33 x 22.5 cm
* The chronometer : From the Corvette Peyki Şeref - belongs to the end of 19th century. Its dial plate is mother of pearl and in its inside and on the case writes “Peyki Şeref”. Its wooden case is decorated with latticework metal. With its minimized margin of error, the compass is highly sensitive. Dimensions: 18 x 18 x 20 cm.
* The Log with Propeller : This piece was made in Imperial Dockyard in 1901. It measures speed and distance. Height: 40 cm. Round: 13.5 cm. Height: 18.5 cm.
* Torpedo Director : This piece is used in taking aim at by adjusting the torpedoes to target, route and speed of the ship. Diameter: 21 cm. Length: 50 cm.
* Compass : The compass the brand of which is "Mathieu Orlich Constantinople" was made in Imperial Dockyard. The compass indicating the direction is an optical navigational instrument. Store Diameter: 16.5 cm. Length: 39 cm.
* Astrolabe : This object is an astronomic device used to determine the altitude of the sun and the other celestial bodies and the distance among them. The instrument was made according to the coordinate of Damascus for Eyyübi Sultanı El-Muazzam Şerif El-Dünya Velidin Isa Ebu Bekir. The astrolabe made by Baalbekli Abdurrahman Ibn Sinan El-Nacar was made of brass and silver.
* Sextant : This instrument is used to measure the angle of elevation of a celestial object above the horizon to find the direction on the sea. This sextant belongs to Armored Barbaros Hayrettin serving between 1910 and 1915.
* Octant : This instrument is used to find direction by measuring altitude of celestial bodies from the horizon. The instrument made in 19th century in Istanbul belongs to Steamer Voyana serving between 1858 and 1910.
* Stern Escutcheon of Armored Frigate Orhaniye : High relieved and engraved, on the escutcheon consisting of ensign, sword and shield writes Orhaniye.
Sizes: 220 x 265 cm., Armored Frigate Orhaniye, Type: Armored Frigate, Builder: R Napier and Son, Glasgow, Tonnage: 6400 tons, Dimensions: 91.4 x 16.9 x 7.9 m., Hull: Iron Sheet, Order: 1862, Machinery: Steam, one screw, Launched: 26th June 1965, Commissioned: 1866, Decommissioned: 1909
* Escutcheon of Yacht Ertuğrul : Monolithic engraved, this piece carrying ensign, spear, axe, pistol, cannon, sword and powder horn bears the seal of Sultan Resat (1909–1918).
Sizes: 27 x 45 cm, Yacht Ertuğrul, Type: Yacht, Builder: Armstrong, Mitchell and Co, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tonnage: 900 tons, Dimensions: 79.2 x 8.3 x 3.5 m, Hull: Steell, Machinery: Steam, 2 screws, Launched: 1903, Commissioned: 1904, Decommissioned: 1937
* Escutcheon of Galleon Fethiye : Relieved and engraved, this piece consisting of ensign, bugle, axe, spear, rifle, quiver, powder horn and sword bears the seal of Sultan Abdülmecit (1839-1861) on its center. The Escutcheon of Galleon Fethiye was made in Imperial Dockyard in 1861.
Sizes: 80 x 184 cm, Galleon Fethiye, Type: Screwed Galleon, Builder: Imperial Dockyard / Istanbul, Tonnage: 3526 tons, Dimensions: 69.4x17.2x8.2 m, Hull: Wooden, Order: 1853, Machinery: Steam, 1 Screw, Launched: 30th November 1856, Commissioned: 1858, Decommissioned: 1903
* The Escutcheon Belonging to Sultan Mehmet Resat V Reign (1909-1918) : High relieved and engraved, the escutcheon consists of two pieces and is made in a naturalist style. On the part centering the bird and flower figures placed symmetrically is mother-of-pearl escutcheon. The object belongs to the reign of Sultan Mehmet Resat V. Sizes: 127 x 80 cm.
* Monogram Belonging to the Reign of Sultan Abdülaziz (1861-1876) : On the cambered and claret red center of the two-pieced wooden plate is Monogram of Sultan Aziz. The surrounding of the monogram is ornamented with bordure in the shape of rope, adjacent to which there are high-relieved twists and stylized leaves. Sizes: 40 x 77 cm.
* Monogram Belonging to the Reign of Sultan Abdülhamit (1876-1909) : This piece has relieved gold leaves on elliptical and cambered ground. The surrounding is decorated with relieved bordure in the shape of rope that takes the shape of bow tie on the top. It carries El-Gazi monogram of Sultan Abdulhamit. Sizes: 92 x 83 cm.
* Monogram Belonging to the Reign of Sultan Abdülmecit (1839-1861) : Wooden relieved and engraved, the monogram decorated with flower was used in cruisers. Sizes: 85 x 60 cm.
* Topmast Quran : It is the Quran given as a gift by Sultan Abdulaziz in 1875 to the Armored Frigate Mesudiye in order to be hung on the mast. It is written on a kind of much valued yellowish glazed paper with calligraphy and inlaid with gold. Sizes: 463 x 10 cm.
* Kitab-ı Bahriye (Naval Book) : It is the contemporary copy of the manuscript written by Admiral Piri Reis in 16th century and was presented to Suleyman the Magnificent. In the portolan with red leather cover written in Nesih style (a style of Arabic script) with the vowel points added on dressed paper, there are many illustrations and charts. Dimensions: 31.5 x 21 x 3.5 cm., 434 Pages
* Divan of Necati Bey (Collected Poems) : It is Turkish manuscript written in Nesih style (a style of Arabic script) by Necati Bey in the 15th century. On its pages there are blue scales and on its cover gilded flower motif is printed. Sizes: 16 x 11.5 cm.
* Manuscript on Astronomy by Takuyyiddin Mehmet Efendi : It was written with Indian ink in 1719 and illustrated with natural colors. The front and back covers of the manuscript bound in cloth are marbled printed. Dimensions: 20 x 14.5 x 2 cm., 150 Pages
* Gastallan Histori Tahtureks Turkish Costume : Seventeenth-century book with 125 miniature illustrations. Bound in red leather, with comb-marbled cover plates. Dimensions: 23 x 15 x 2 cm, 125 pages.
* Chart of the Mediterranean : Chart of the Mediterranean drawn in 1461 on parchment by Mürsiyeli İbrahim of Tripoli. Designed for navigational purposes, the chart covers the entire Mediterranean, the Aegean, and the Black Sea, as well as the coast of Western Europe and the British Isles. It covers approximately the region between 54 degrees north latitude, 12 degrees west and 42 degrees east longitudes; scale 1:6,200,000. Dimensions: 53 x 89 cm.
* Map of the Turkish Empire : Engraved color map made in 1626 showing the Ottoman Empire and the Persian Kingdom. On the upper margin are plans of Famagusta, Damascus, İstanbul, Jerusalem, and Alexandria, and on the sides are depictions of Greek, Egypt, Arab, and Persian costumes. Dimensions: 40 x 54 cm.
* Chart of the Persian Gulf to Baghdad : Printed in color by the Naval Academy in 1865. Drawn by the schoolmaster Ali Bey of the War Academy, the chart includes the monogram of Sultan Abdülaziz (1861-1876) and is made to an Ottoman scale. Dimensions: 55 x 134 cm.
* Figurehead (Blackbird - Albatross) : Figurehead carved in the form of an albatross with head raised and wings open, from the frigate Şeref Resan. Made in 1830 at the Imperial Naval Arsenal. Height : 240 cm, Width : 163 cm
* Figurehead (Horse) : Figurehead carved in the form of a horse reared on its hind legs, from the ferry Eser-i Cedid. Made at the Imperial Naval Arsenal in 1841. Height : 78 cm, Width : 32 cm
* Figurehead (Tiger) Figurehead carved in the shape of a charging tiger with its tongue hanging out of its mouth, from the steam ship Mukaddeme-i Şeref. Made in 1876 at the Imperial Naval Arsenal. Height : 265 cm, Width : 48 cm
* Figurehead (Hawk-Falcon : Falcon Figurehead : Figurehead carved in the form of a falcon with partly outstretched wings as if diving, from the corvette Feyzi Mabut. Made on Euboea in 1829. Height : 85 cm, Width : 87 cm
* Yataghan, 19th Century : This yataghan was made by Osman Halil in 1811. The blade of the yataghan is graved with flower motifs, the hilt is handmade inlaid of coral and the sheath is ornamented with arabesque motive relieves. Blade Length: 54 cm, Hilt Length: 16 cm.
* Laz Yataghan, 19th Century : This yataghan has serpentine blade. The double lugged hilt made of horn and the guard of the hilt is soft leather. The sheath is puffed up, and made of dark brown leather. Blade Length: 63 cm, Grip Length: 16 cm.
* Yataghan : This yataghan was made in 1785. The yataghan’s iron blade surface covered with golden ornamentations in Tula work. One sided and having double iron lugs, the Yataghan has blood groove but was not equipped with a guard of hilt. The bottom of the hilt is handmade coral. The left of the blade bears golden “Maaşallah” writing in Tula style and stylized monogram. On this face in 4 parts writes an 8 line-old Turkish text. On the right side, “ Sahibi Osman Ameli Salih sene 1300”(this yataghan belongs to Ameli Osman, year 1300) is written. The wooden sheath is covered with leather and iron, the tip is dragon shaped. Blade Length: 59.5 cm.
* Turkish Sword : The serpentine, single bladed Turkish Sword is made of steel. The hilt material was made of horn, and iron guard of sword hilt ornamented with gold mounted is cross-shaped. The wooden sheath is covered with leather and iron. Blade Length: 78 cm.
* Axe : The lower part of the wooden stick and the part to which sharper iron piece mounted are coated with brass. The brass coat on wooden stick is grooved, but the brass on the sharp part is flat. The iron, part is in crescent form and quite sharp. The counter part is in knob form in order to balance the weight. Height: 77.5 cm.
* Axe, Late 18th - Early 19th Centuries : This axe was used by naval fusiliers and firemen. The blade is steel and half moon shaped. There are brass rings on the wooden stick. Height: 79 cm.
* Muzzle Loaded Smooth-bored Iron Cannon, 16th Century, This is the percussive cannon used by Yavuz Sultan Selim during the Egypt expedition (1512-1520). On the muzzle “Sultan Selim Şah the son of the Beyazıt Han” writes. Barrel Length: 740 cm, Barrel Diameter: 25 cm, Weight: 23 tons
* Muzzle Loaded Smooth-bored Battleship Cannon 17th Century. This cannon was seized by Kara Mustafa Pasha at Vienna siege in 1678. The cannon is in dragon shape with its four wings and the tail at the bottom part. Barrel Length: 240 cm, Barrel Diameter: 40 mm.
* Breech Loaded Steel Grooved Cannon : This cannon is a 20th century German made (Fried Krupp). This cannon belongs to Cruiser Yavuz. Barrel Length: 677 cm, Barrel Diameter: 15 cm.
* Breech Loaded Iron Grooved Cannon, 19th Century : This breech-loaded cannon was placed on a two-wheeled gun carriage, and it does not have breechblock. Barrel Length: 315 cm
* Muzzle Loaded Smooth-bored Iron Cannon : On the cannon in silver inlaid writes “Sahibi Elhac Ali Mir Mehsal Canik Mutasarrıfı Tarafı Nuzulu (Trabzon) Fi Sene 1181”(Belonging to Elhac Ali Mir Mehsal Canik Mutasarrıfı Tarafı Nuzulu (Trabzon) year 1767), "Maaşallah".
* Şişhane Ranged Flintlock Rifle, This rifle belongs to 18th century.
* Sultan Abdülaziz’s (1861–1876) Grooved-Relieved Rifle, This rifle is “Man F.D. By the Providence Tool Co Prov R.I. USA” brand and Sultan Abdulmahit’s monogram was stamped on the rifle. The rifle is decorated with golden animal figures. Barrel Length: 84 cm, Barrel Diameter: 11.5 mm.
* Rifle : This rifle belongs to British Submarine E-15’s officer, which was agrounded at Kepez Feneri than sank at Canakkale on 18-19 April 1915 during the First World War. Barrel Length: 124 cm.
* Rifle, Mauser : This rifle was produced in Istanbul Rifle Factory in 1912-1913. On cocking handle "year 1913, Rifle Factory, İstanbul 2277" is written in Old Turkish and the rifle also bears the monogram of Sultan Resat. On sundry parts of the mechanism writes “2 277, 1 4657, 57" in old Turkish, and on the plates in front of tumbler writes “2 277”. On the sight writes old Turkish numbers. Total Length: 105 cm, Barrel Diameter: 7.5 mm.
* Flintlock Pistol, 19th Century : This flintlock pistol is inlaid with mythological animal symbols and flowers. On the mechanism writes “Vergnes Marselle” and smooth bored barrel is adorned with golden leaf sultanate seal and imperial crown. Barrel Length: 32 cm, Barrel Diameter: 8 mm.
* Flintlock Pistol, 19th Century : The handle of the pistol belonging to Commodore Vehbi Ziya Dumer is in the shape of knob and adorned with leaves relieved and engraved. The wooden handle of the pistol is ornamented with latticework plates. Mechanism and the flintlock part are adorned with carved leaflets. The second layer of the barrel is decorated with relieved in arabesque style. The end of the barrel is surrounded with fine silver work bracelets. Barrel Length: 35.5 cm, Barrel Diameter: 15 mm.
* Mustafa Kemal Atatürk's Smith & Wesson Pistol : This pistol was gifted to Minister of Navy Artilleryman İhsan (Eryavuz) by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk before the Great Attack (1924-1927). The pistol was manufactured in Springfield/USA in 20th century. Barrel Length: 11.5 cm, Barrel Diameter: 7.5 mm.
* Cartridge Pistol : Having rifled barrel the pistol, of which handle is cylindrical, has a circle on the bottom. Handle base and trigger hilt are made of brass. On the right side of the mechanism is the stamp writing “Product of Imperial Dockyard” in old Turkish. Barrel Length: 33.5 cm, Barrel Diameter: 15 mm.
* Whitehead Torpedo, 14 Pus : Made in factory Whitehead. Russians launched these torpedoes to the Ottoman Fleet in 1876 at Batum Harbor. Length: 573 cm.
* Screw-Driven Torpedo : This torpedo was made in Torpedo Factory. Length: 429 cm.
* Torpedo : It was made by Kesmekayalı Sukru Efendi Kaptan as an example of the torpedoes he had been trained on in Whitehead Torpedo Factory. It is one of the double screw driven torpedoes with 14 pus and 48 kilograms. Length: 457 cm and 460 cm
* Glass Type Hand Grenades : These bombs were used in Crete Battles and made in 17th Century.
* Soil Based Hand Grenades : 16th Century made.
* Aircraft Bomb : These Aircraft bombs made in Imperial Dockyard were used between 1915 and 1918.
* Aircraft Bomb : Used in Canakkale Battles in 1915.
* 1914 German Made Mine : These mines that can be laid with surface ships are electric Hertz ignitioned and ironed. The mines can be laid from 8 m. to 110 m. deepness.
* 1926 Pendulum Type Mine : These Russian originated mines can be laid with surface ships are pendulum ignition and ironed. The mines can be laid from 10 m. to 120 m. deepness. Charge capacity is 250 kg. tnt.
* 1916 Pendulum Type Russian Mine : These Russian originated mines can be laid with surface ships are pendulum ignitioned and ironed. The mines can be laid from 6m to 120 m. deepness. Charge capacity is 100 kg. tnt.
Egypt Memluk Sultan Kayitbay’s Matronly Armour, 16th Century : This armor was seized in 1516 by Yavuz Sultan Selim, on his Egypt expedition. The armor built in gold-plated copper technique consists of helmet, jacket, armlet, knee piece and shield. The plates between chains are ornamented with cintemanis (Cintemani is a unique violet-like motif believed to bring luck and prosperity.), cloves, cypress and Cufic (a special type of Arabic calligraphy) writing.
* Stamp of “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Bahriyye Vekaleti Kocaili Mevki’i Müstahkemi İkinci Grub Kumandanlığı : The stamp was made in relief and on the surface in a special calligraphy style named as “Sulüs” and “Rik’a” writes “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Bahriyye Vekaleti Kocaili Mevki’i Müstahkemi İkinci Grub Kumandanlığı”. The handgrip is stable. Width x Length: 76x22 mm. Height: 74 mm. Weight: 44 gr.
* Stamp of “Bahriyye Gedikli Mektebi / / 9 Numrosı : The stamp was relieved and the surface level in “Rik’a” style writes “Bahriyye Gedikli Mektebi / / 9 Numrosı”. The handgrip is stable. Width x Length: 34x21mm. Height: 71 mm. Weight: 30,9 gr.
* Stamp of “Muhasebat Dairesi Vürüdı / / Numrosı Dosya : The stamp was relieved and on the surface writes “Muhasebat Dairesi Vürüdı / / Numrosı Dosya” in a special calligraphy style Rik’a. The handgrip is stable. Width x Length: 83 x 36 mm. Height: 93 mm. Weight: 98,4 gr.
* Stamp of "Agenzia Decl’i Piroscafi Ottomani Dell’amm To : The stamp was carved and on the center an anchor, a crescent and writing “Cavalla” was placed. On the surrounding of the center writes “Agenzia Decl’i Piroscafi Ottomani Dell’amm To”. Width x Length: 38 x 33 mm. Height: 6 mm. Weight: 50,9 gr.
* Seal of "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Müdafaai Milliye Vekaleti, Deniz Harp Mektebi Çekirdeği Memurluğu : On the center made by carving writes “Müdafaai Milliye Vekaleti” in Old Turkish; on the bordure ornamented with anchor writes “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, Deniz Harp Mektebi Çekirdeği Memurluğu”. The handgrip latticework molded is moving. It was used after 1923. Diameter: 33 mm. Height: 31 mm.
* Seal of "Tersanei Amire Ancanibi Evrakı Gurema : The seal was made by carving and on the surface ornamented with cloves and roses writes “Tersanei Amire Ancanibi Evrakı Gurema, 270, Vefa”. The brass handgrip is stable. Diameter: 25 – 27 cm. Height: 33 mm.
* Seal of "Hızır Reis Sefinei Hümayunu : “Sefinei Hümayun” was written on the center of the seal by carving in Old Turkish and on the surrounding ornamented with anchor writes “Hızır Reis, Senei Maliye 1331”. The handgrip latticework molded brass is moving. Diameter: 22 mm. Height: 27 mm.
* Seal of "Suda Vapuru Hümayunu : On the seal writes “Suda Vapuru Hümayunu, 1312” in Old Turkish. The handgrip is molded and moving. Diameter: 21mm, Height: 26mm.
* Ensign of Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha : The ensign was used during the period in which Hızır Hayrettin Pasha was Kaptan-ı Derya (Admiral-in-Chief). The fabric of the ensign is figured on its own and green silk. The writings and the figures were applied with white silk fabric. On the ensign, Fetih Suresi (A verse of Quran on Conquest), names of Mohammed’s four caliphs, Zülfikar (Hz. Ali’s sword – and the trinity at the same time), claw (in hand shape) and hectogram were applied. Sizes: 287 x 200 cm.
* Ensign of Lephanto Battle : The ensign used by Muezzinzade Ali Pasha in Lephanto Battle in 1571 was handed back to Turkey as a sign of courtesy in 1964 by Papa VI. Paul. Verses and suras made of woven yellow silk were applied on red silk.
* Ensign Inlaid with Fetih (Conquest) Sura : The ensign was made in Baghdad with the order of Sultan Selim III in 1789. The ensign was flagged on mainmast and mizzenmast of the commander ship during the cruises of Empire to foreign countries. The ensign on which writes Fetih (Conquest) Sura was woven with silk and golden tinsel. Sizes: 1400 x 500 cm.
* Byzantine Amphora : The amphora was made up of terra cotta. The 2-handled amphora has a large body and deep bottom. The amphora bears fine grooves on its belly and foot. Rim Diameter: 10.5 cm. Rim Thickness: 2 cm. Belly Sphere: 158 cm. Height: 106 cm.
* Byzantine Amphora : Made up of terra cotta, 2-handled amphora has a spherical body, grooved shoulders and flatfoot. Shoulders are elliptical and button shaped handled. Shoulders bear fine grooves. Rim Diameter: 8.5 cm. Rim Thickness: 1.4 cm. Belly Sphere: 149 cm. Height: 60 cm.
* Rhodes Amphora : Narrow and thin rimmed amphora has long, narrow neck, double spurred handles tied attached from neck to shoulder, low shoulders, conical body becoming narrow towards foot part, deep bottom and button shaped handles. Rim Diameter: 3.5 cm. Rim Thickness: 0.5 cm. Belly Sphere: 48 cm. Height: 46 cm.
* Roman Amphora 3rd - 6th Century AC : Narrow rimmed, short narrow necked, small handled attached from shoulder to under the rim and narrow shouldered; the amphora’s belly is widened from shoulder towards the foot. The amphora is quite thin and the rim is thin too. Rim Diameter: 11 cm. Belly Sphere: 67 cm. Height: 58,5 cm.
* Side Light : The Side Light made up of copper has a kind of shield on the frame of the glass. “Made in Imperial Dockyard” is written on the Side Light. Diameter: 29.5 cm. Height: 48 cm.
* Copper Masthead Light, 20th Century : Made up of copper, on the light writes “J.H. Peters & Bey Hamburg.
* Big Type Light : The glass color is green and it was used in 19th century ships.
* Port Side Light : This port sidelight belongs to French Saphir Submarine that was trying to pass the Bosphorus at 15th of January 1915.The submarine had to surface because of the deep flow of the sea, and Turkish Ships around the area sank the submarine.
* Masthead Light : These lights that can be seen at least 5 miles range is placed on fore mast and gleam as white. This one belongs to Cruiser Yavuz that served between 1911 and 1950. This is a 1911 German made light.
* Big Type Lights : Those are big type lights that were made up of glass and brass.
* Harbor Light : The light was made up of copper; “J.H. Peters & Bey Hamburg 9 - 5609” is written on it.
* Copper Port Light : This one is 20th century made red port light.
* Masthead Light : On a brass card on British-made light writes “Thomas Crieve Manufacturers Northshields”. The colorless light has no handgrip.
* Masthead Light : This piece is a British made ship light.
* Lithographic Block, 19th Century : On this lithographic block, there are Rumi months (a solar calendar used in Turkey until 1925) and a clock which shows Ruz-i Hızır Day (a day in May, especially the day when the navy sets sail). Dimensions: 54 x 38 x 6.5 cm.
* Lithographic Block, Skiathos Port - Greece : On this lithographic block, “Skiathos Island Coasts” is written. Dimensions: 37 x 26.5 x 9 cm.
* Lithographic Block, 19th Century : On this lithographic block, there are seal samples and double anchor which is the symbol of Maritime Affairs Department. Dimensions: 54 x 38 x 6 cm.
* Lithographic Block : There is the signature of Sultan Mehmet Resat on the block. It is the lithographic block of the daily printed receipt of supplies belonging to the Imperial Dockyard. Dimensions: 47 x 37 x 8.5 cm.
* Stone Inscription of Yalıköşkü Boathouse Door : It belongs to the era of Sultan Selim III. (1210). On the arched part, there is an inscription consisting of 20 couplets and above it there is an inscription on the front with monogram. At the upper portion the monogram of Selimi Salis and a galley motif can be seen.
* Inscription of Rolling Mill Barracks : It was made by Sultan Abdülhamit II and written by Poet Sururi in 1886. Sizes: 234 x 60 cm.
* Cesme Inscription : It was made by Spahi Agha (Chief Cavalry Soldier) and written by Poet Kadri in 1741. Sizes: 88 x 32.5 cm.
* Tombstone : It belongs to Bekri Mustafa (1819). The heading part of the marble tombstone is in the form of turban.
* Tombstone : It belongs to Selim Kalfa, the son of Mahmut (1792).
* Tombstone : It belongs to Janissary Mehmet.
* Tombstone : It belongs to Janissary Esseyid Mustafa.
* Commemorative Medal of Aegean 2nd Army Sham Battle : It is the medal inscribed for the commemoration of the sham battle of Aegean Army in 1937. The diameter of the brazen medal is 35 mm. On its one face there is valonia oak in relief and in-between the branches there is the motif of star and crescent; on the other face in the border “COMMEMORATION OF THE SHAM BATTLE OF AEGEAN 2nd ARMY” is written and in-between there is the signature of K. ATATURK and the date 13.10.1937.
* 10th Anniversary Commemorative Medal of Turkish Republic : It was inscribed for 10th Anniversary Commemoration of Turkish Republic. The diameter of the brazen medal is 30 mm. On its one face there is a portrait of Ataturk; on the other face “TURKISH REPUBLIC 1923 – 1933” is written.
* 4th Rank Osmani Order (Pertaining to Sultan Abdulaziz) : It is covered with silver, glazing and gold. It is in the shape of a heptagonal star. It is tied to a ribbon with red borders. Diameter: 62 mm.
* Mecidi Order : It belongs to the Minister of the Navy Moralı Ibrahim Pasha in Sultan Abdulaziz era. It is covered with silver, glazing and gold. It is in the shape of a heptagonal star stowed with rays shortening from the points towards the edges. In-between the tips there are star and crescents. It is instituted in 1852. Diameter: 100 mm.
* 4th Rank Osmani Order : It was presented by Sultan Abdülaziz (1861 – 1876) to Torajiro Yamada. There are inscriptions in Ottoman language on the red glaze in the middle of the order. Under the inscriptions there is a crescent motif. On the back side of the decoration there are figures of drum and flag with the year 699. Diameter: 65 mm.
* Osmani Order : 4th rank Osmani Order was instituted by Sultan Abdulaziz in 1861. It is in the shape of a heptagonal star covered with green glaze. In the center there is a space in relief covered with red glaze and in the crescent there is an inscription inlaid with gold written in Ottoman language. On the back side of the decoration there are figures of drum and flag with the year 699 in relief. It is tied to a green ribbon with red borders and at the fixing point there is star and crescent. Diameter: 64 mm.
* Mecidi Order : 5th rank Mecidi Order was instituted by Sultan Abdulmecit. It is in the shape of a heptagonal star with beams of light. In its center with red glazing, there is an inscription inlaid with gold “Patriotism, Effort, Loyalty, year 1268” in the border. There is the seal of Abdulmecit at the middle space in relief. On the backside there is an inscription “Imperial Mint” and “D.A” initials in relief in the figure of star and crescent. It is tied to a red ribbon with green borders and at the fixing point there is star and crescent. Diameter: 54 mm.
* Yugoslavia State Decoration Given to President Fahri S. Koruturk : There are 10 stones between the figures of beams of light. It is surrounded with golden border in 10 mm width. The surrounding of the cobalt-blue glazed center is decorated with 35 red stones and in the center there is an emblem. At the middle there is a pentagram with 5 red stones. On its backside there is pin. On the other decoration with ribbon state emblem can be seen. The diameter of the cobalt-blue glazed center is 27 mm. It has a purple silk ribbon. Diameter (with pin): 85 mm. Diameter (with ribbon): 65 mm.
* Brace : It was used at mainsheets during the sailing period. It was made in Imperial Dockyard.
* Slip (Rope), 19th Century : This object belongs to the Galleon Mahmudiye. The slip was used to be tied to the body of the chain on the anchorage of the vessels.
* Fiverail : The fiverail belongs to the sailing period and was made in Imperial Dockyard.
* The Clock of Kasımpaşa Naval Hospital Tower : The clock was made in 1859 and it was the engine of the clock of Kasımpaşa Naval Hospital. Total Height: 264 cm. Height of Engine Part: 135 cm. Foot Height: 129 cm. Width: 134 cm. Length: 95 cm.
* Clock, S.F. Brand : This clock was used in Galleon Mahmudiye. Sizes: 59 x 43 cm.
* Historical Silver Floor Clock : The clock was used in ships and made in 19th century. The clock has three foot and on each foot there is a lion figurine. Diameter: 42 cm. Stand: 50 cm.
* Wall-Clock : The Clock was brought from France by Minister of Naval Academy Sait Pasha.
Fountain, 18th Century : The fountain was made with the order of Cezayirli Gazi Hasan Pasha. The fountain was made of white – gray curved marble, the pediment of the fountain was ornamented with a rose on Bursa arch and the upper middle part carries an elaborated decoration of hanging tulips. On the lower part there is a huge acanthus leave and the fountain part has curled ornamentations. High-relieved part and surrounding counter were painted with common gilt. Height: 300 cm. Width: 240 cm. Length: 22 cm.
* Training Certificate : It belongs to Erzurumlu Yusuf Efendi. This certificate was given as a result of the exam made in 1305 Zilkade according to the Arabian Year (July 1888). Sizes: 27.5 x 18.7 cm.
* Certificate of Qualification : It belongs to Dogancilar Rusdiyesi Farabi Yusuf Ziya Efendi. This certificate was given by Ministry of Public Instruction in 27 February 1305 a solar calendar in use till 1925 (11 March 1890). At the top of the certificate there is the signature of Sultan Abdulhamit II. Sizes: 31.5 x 24 cm.
* Diploma of Yugoslavia State Decoration Given to President Fahri S. Koruturk : It is printed on a special paper and has a case covered with red book cloth. It is the diploma of Yugoslavia State Order given to Fahri S. Koruturk in 1976. Sizes: 34 x 49 cm.
* Envelope of the Diploma of 4th Rank Mecidi Order (Pertaining to Sultan Abdulmecit) : There are two emblems on the envelope. In the upper emblem “Order Pertaining to Sultan Abdulmecit” and in the lower emblem “Imperial Order Office” is written. In-between the two emblems, “Diploma of 4th Rank Mecidi Order Presented to Yamada Efendi” is written with Rik’a (a cursive style of writing). Sizes: 22 x 16.5 cm.
An area of 465 square meters in the Naval History Archives Building was renovated and opened as an art gallery in 1993 by the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, Vural Bayazıt. With the aim of serving contemporary artists, competitions with the theme "Sea" are held annually in spring and awarded entries are retained for the collection of the museum.
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