GPS : 41°02'54.6"N 29°01'05.5"E / 41.048508, 29.018190

Hand decoration and also technical decoration is used overwhelmingly in the garnishes of the porcelains produced in Yıldız Porcelain Factory. For hand decorated products, productions are made according to the domestic orders and orders from abroad.
The facility inside the historical Yıldız Park is totally 10500 square meters, inside this area there is Managing Building, Administrative Building, a building containing Hand Decorated-Sieve Press and Boiler Room, Transformer and Generator Building, Granary Building, Store and Nizamiye (military control station). And the total closed area is 5200 square meters.
In the facility hard porcelain heated at 1380° C, is produced. 85 % of these productions are dishes and 15 % are Hand Decorated porcelains. While Hand Decorated porcelains are all decorated with hand, primary goal is to keep alive and enrich the Turkish Decoration Art and by carrying this culture and tradition from past to future to make it live for generations.
Besides, the stickers produced with press technique in the facility, are used in decorating dishes. And in the facility tile production is also continued. Tile tradition is maintained by single colored and poly-colored, under glazed and upper glazed tiles.
Yıldız Tile Factory or with its name at that period Çini Fabrika-i Hümayünu, which was established by Sultan Abdülhamid II (1876-1909) in 1890 at the suggestion of the French Ambassador M. Paul Cambon, was indeed the result of the palace decoration needs in the 19. Century. At this period, there was a high demand for porcelain especially in the Court and its surrounding. As a result of this demand, large amounts of porcelain were imported at high prices from European countries. This must have been an important factor in the establishment of the factory.
Çini Fabrika-i Hümayünu, was built on a flat area in the garden of Yıldız Palace with the initiative of the dynasty itself. Special personnel from the factories of Sevres and Limoges in France assisted in setting up the factory and the latest European technology including tile moulds were also imported. Nevertheless, after two years from the construction of the building, the factory making test productions suffered damages in the Istanbul earthquake in 1894. The same year it was repaired by famous Italian architect Raimondo d’Aronco and opened to service again.
In Çini Fabrika-i Hümayünu which was in fact a palace work-shop, beginning from 1894, in addition to decorative works like vases, wall plates also lavmana, desk sets, card plates, lidded bowls, cooking pans, aşure jugs, watermelon shaped sugar bowls, tea and cup sets began to be produced. The main subjects of these works were portraits of sultans, panoramas of Istanbul, figures of women and children, mythological-allegorical scenes, Rumi motifs and country views in rococo style.
On some of them, on corner or under the artifact, name of the craftsman presents. Under or in one corner of some artifacts, there are emblem of the Ottoman, initials of sultan’s name and his tugra (ımperial seal of the sultan). The porcelains manufactured at the Yıldız Tile Imperial Factory, which is an Imperial factory like Hereke Factory, have been used primarily for decorations of palaces, kiosks and pavilions of the late Ottoman Empire and presented as gifts to foreign royalties.
The decorators included many important painters like Hazret-i Şehriyari Ali Ragıp, Enderuni Abdurahman, Ömer Adil, A. Nicot, E. Narcice, L’Avergne, Tharet. Consequently Çini Fabrika-i Hümayünu whose primary aim was to produce decorative porcelains for the palace and Court circles played a significant role in the development of Turkish painting art.
Many native and foreign craftsmen worked at the Factory. Halid Naci, one of the most important craftsmen among them, was sent to Sèvres Porcelain Factory in order to be trained. Naci, who learned tile painting there, was appointed as the head painter of the Yıldız Tile Factory. He managed painting and ornamentation works of the factory through long years and put his signature under many artifacts. The artifacts, created during the first years of the factory, were under influence of French porcelains in terms of shape and ornament.
Manufacturing at Yıldız Tile Imperial Factory was suspended with dethronement of Sultan Abdulhamid II in 1909. The factory reopened with the efforts of its former managers, began to produce kaolin insulators for linking telegram lines. Osman Hamdi Bey, who was the manager of Imperial Museum, made an attempt for restarting manufacturing at the factory which was attached to the Imperial Museum Directorate in this period. Upon death of Osman Hamdi Bey in 1910, Halil Edhem Bey started preparations for reoperating Yıldız Tile Imperial Factory and manufacturing has commenced in 1911 once more.
After the new decision to close it 1920, it was liquidated by National Real Estate (Ulusal Emlak) in 1936 and as a result of the meetings to reopen it was transferred to Sümerbank. At this factory, porcelain cups, required for telephone and telgraph insulators, needed by the country during the First World War (1914-1918) were produced. The factory which continued manufacturing under the roof of Sümerbank during Turkish Republic Period, was attached to National Palaces Head of Department in 1944.
Since 1995 Yıldız Tile Factory is operating under the Department of National Palaces as a “museum-factory”. Today in the factory as well as porcelains designed with traditional patterns, reproduction of the original artifacts in the “National Palaces Porcelain Collection” are also made in limited numbers.
Yıldız Porcelain Factory, which today has a special position as a museum-factory among its kind, continues manufacturing of porcelain items appealing to taste of today’s individual on one hand, and on the other hand, by manufacturing replicas of the products manufactured during foundation years, develops projects to ensure the esthetic of the period to reach large masses. These products are offered to the interested persons at the shops within the body of National Palaces.
Brand Registration Of Yıldız Tile And Porcelain
Application to Turkish Patent Institute for renewal of the factory’s emblem and obtaining brand protection right, was accepted and brand registration was made for 10 years beginning from August 28, 2009.
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