Ortaköy - Istanbul - Turkey

Ortaköy Mosque, officially the Büyük Mecidiye Camii (Grand Imperial Mosque of Sultan Abdülmecid) in Istanbul, is situated at the waterside of the Ortaköy pier square, one of the most popular locations on the Bosphorus. The mosque is located on the shores of the Bosphorus in Ortaköy.
It was built in 1853 by the architect, Nikoğos Balyan, during the reign of Sultan Abdülmecid. The mosque is designed in Baroque style and has a fine location. It is composed of intimate rooms and a private area for sultans. The wide and tall windows were designed to let in light from all around the Bosphorus.
Previously, there was a little mosque built by Mahmut Ağa, the son-in law of the Vizier Ibrahim Paşa, on the former site of the mosque. The little mosque built in 1721 but was destroyed during the revolt of Patrona Halil in 1730. The current mosque, which was erected in its place, was greatly damaged during the earthquake of 1894, and the spire of the minaret needed to be rearranged.
When it was understood that the building was in danger of collapsing in 1960, ground reinforcement efforts were carried out. After the conflagration in 1984, it was completely restored and reattained its previous magnificence.
It has two minarets each with a single gallery that are be reached by a flight of stairs. The walls are made of white stone. The walls of the mosque's only dome were decorated with pink mosaics. The niche is made of mosaic and white marble, and the pulpit is a marble craftsmanship covered with porphyry.
It recess in the wall of the kiblah was made of marble and decorated with mosaics, and the pulpit where the preacher stands was made with porphyry-covered marble.
The original Ortaköy Mosque was built in the 18th century. The current mosque, which was erected in its place, was ordered by Sultan Abdülmecid and built between 1854 and 1856. Its architects were designed it in Neo-Baroque style.
Within the mosque hang several examples of Islamic calligraphy executed by the Sultan Abdülmecid himself, who was also a hattat (master calligrapher). The wide, high windows let the ever-changing light reflections of the Bosphorus shine in the mosque.
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